
Saturday 20 April 2013

50 random facts about me!

Hey everyone! I thought I ought to tell you all a little bit more about me, and I've seen the 50 random facts tag circulating YouTube so thought why not give it a go! Although you'll probably think I'm an extremely boring person as thinking of 50 somewhat interesting facts is harder than it sounds...

1. I am the eldest of 4 children
2. When I was younger I was fascinated by the thought of becoming an archeologist when I was older, I'm not sure why.
3. Also when I was younger, I was so scared of and always on the look out for quicksand. Again, I don't know why.
4. I used to love the monkey bars in parks until I reached the point where I used to do them so much, I ended up with blisters all over my hands.
5. I used to have 2 goldfish named sooty and sweep.
6. I have absolutely no idea what I want to do with my life.
7. I've lived in the county's of Surrey, Somerset and now Hertfordshire.
8. I have an extremely imaginative mind.
9. Because of this, I find myself worrying far too much.
10. One time my mum brought me a skipping rope, I loved it so much I decided to take it to bed with me......I strangled myself in my sleep and luckily my mum woke up and heard otherwise I'm sure I would have killed myself. I had absolutely no idea I was doing it.
11. My favourite drink is cream soda.
12. Leaving school at 16 and starting college was the best thing that's ever happened to me, I became myself and it really was the making of me.
13. My birthday is on the 10th November.
14. I've always been the quiet one who lacked confidence.
15. I've never, ever had an argument with a friend, I'm proud of this.
16. I'd rather make others happy by helping them, rather than sort out my own problem to make me happy.
17. I once got detention in year 8 for answering the register as 'why yeeeees' like they used to say on Little Britain.
18. Words truly can't explain how much I want to explore America.
19. I've been to Florida 3 times.
20. I love travelling.
21. I'd happily do things by myself, I love my own company.
22. I have an extreme phobia of milk, I'm not sure why but I'm physically sick if I see someone drinking it.
23. Speaking of weird phobias......I'm also scared of bellybuttons. I've recently found out my aunt also has the same phobia.
24. One of my fondest memories of primary school was my teacher miss Dawson....she was virtually best friends with my mum and I. I'd love to get back in touch with her.
25. The thought of death scares me so, so much to the point where I could sit up at night and cry about it.
26. I am a serious cat lover and I treat them like they're my best friends.
27. The thought of going to a supermarket in a foreign country excites me way more than it should, I just find it so interesting.
28. I hope I get married and have children one day.
29. Buying make up and nail varnish makes me happy.
30. I've never drank a hot drink in my life. The thought of the drink itself and drinking from a mug makes me cringe.
31. Claire Richards is someone I can really look up to, she's helped me more than people would know.
32. I'm completely straight but I have major girl crushes on Cheryl cole, Nicola Roberts, fearne cotton, Florence welch and Whitney port.....and Jodie marsh.
33. However I didn't love them as much as I love russell brand.
34. My first name is Kerrie-Louise but there's only one person who calls me by my full name and that's my tutor from college, everyone else calls me kerrie.
35. I used to get bullied about my teeth, and worst thing is I have the worst phobia of dentists so I've never really done anything about them apart from ignore it and be happy with myself.
36. I'm scared of ghosts yet at the same time it really interests me. When I lived in Somerset I took a photo of my living room and in that photo there is a man and woman. Weird huh.
37. I really want to see a medium just out of curiosity.
38. I'm an extremely fussy eater, I so wish I wasn't but I honestly think its down to physiological issues.
39. I love being at home.
40. I'm extremely organised yet my room gets so messy really quickly, I don't understand how!
41. I always have to make sure I'm on time for something, the thought of being late really freaks me out.
42. I really want to go travelling and I'd happily go by myself.
43. There's nothing more I hate than drifting away from people. My auntie being one of them, it sucks.
44. I've never really been in a relationship or had one of those friends you do everything with. Quite depressing really haha.
45. I struggle with anxiety and depression.
46. As a child, I always used to have a reoccurring dream where I was going down a yellow slide.
47. I'm scared of slides now.
48. I have literally no self control, if I tell myself ill eat healthy, chances are I won't despite how much I actually want to.
49. I'm constantly cold, to the point my legs and feet turn blue and I can't move my hands....even if I'm indoors.
50. I laugh at anything and I love it, I just love everything about laughing and making people laugh.

Phew, there we go! That was hard haha....I tag all of you reading this to share your 50 random facts! Do we have any in common?! X