
Friday 25 May 2012

May favourites!

So, June is quickly approaching and after seeing a few 'monthly favourite' videos on youtube, I thought this would be the perfect to do my monthy favourites for May...which just so happens to be my first ever monthly favourites post! :)

Lately I've had the urge to buy lipstick....and actually wear it! This month in particular I've brought a good few, however these have to be my favourites. The top picture shows Revlon Creme lipstick in shade 750 Kiss Me Coral. I love it and since purchasing this one I seem to have grown a strong love towards coral/orange lipsticks...I need some more in my life! The second photo shows the oh-so-famous revlon Lip Butter in shade 090 Sweet Tart. After hearing such good things about these new lip butters I had to get one, and I've never looked back. The 'butter' in its name definitely gives you a hint as to how smoothly they apply on to your thing ever.

I've been reading a lot lately, it's probably down to the fact that I've finished college and I'm now unemployed but hey, I love a good book, and this one is no exception. It's different to all the other books I've read and gives things from peoples different perspectives which I love. I won't give too much away, but if you love a good humorous book then I'd definitely reccomend this one!

After hearing such wonderful things about the DiscoPants I had to get them....and despite them making me extremely poor...I'm still glad I brought them because literally, I've worn them non-stop since buying them. Love them so much. Of course, I have to say a special thank-you to my brother who lent me his student card number so I got these a tiny bit cheaper!

 For someone who hates all hot drinks, I love the fact that Costa do their iced drinks and new lemonade. As soon as they announced their new flavoured ice drink I had to try it, and no word of a lie it's their best yet. Orange and Raspberry Cooler...mmm!

Before last month, I could not tell you the last time I brought a magazine. But since hearing that Company had some sort of 'make-over' I was intrigued so had to buy it, which of course I loved so much I had to buy this months issue too. Everything within this magazine makes it perfect, even the paper makes it wonderful, and for once, I have a magazine which I can relate my style to. I suggest you all pick this up and have a flick through, I love it :)

I'm always on the look out for new music to listen to, so once I saw that this was uploaded to Spotify I had to listen to it, and instantly fell in love with it so much I had to buy it. Ben Howard, without a doubt has the most beautiful voice.
 I've wanted to dip-dye my hair for a long time now, but since buying last months issue of Company I wanted to do it even more....I think it was just a spur of the moment thing! I love it. the dye itself is wonderful and it is only semi permanent so doesn't really damage your fact, the colour hides all my split ends which is good haha. It's just like putty, and no word of a lie i've just used the tiniest bit, so it's definitely worth the five pound!

What are your favourites for this month? :) xo

Monday 14 May 2012

Small Haul

Following on from my discopants post (I realised the post would have been way too long to include both a Haul and an OOTD haha) I decided to invest in some new beauty products. After quitting my job and now officially finishing college I've been a bit lost, and of course, poor. However having about £40 to my name and the current 3 for 2 offer in Superdrug seemed to cheer me up a bit and give me something to of course I couldn't resist and I'm still having to justify spending over 31 pound causing me to be even poorer than what I originally was but hey-ho!
Boots and Superdrug have to be without a doubt my favourite shops, I've really learnt to love them recently and whenever I got paid in my old job I always found myself spending wages in either of them, especially when they have fabulous deals such as 3 for's an offer I can never refuse!
Originally I had just planned to buy a lipstick I've been 
lusting over for a long time, and then top up on my mascara and then get the free item, however this did not go to plan. I always get so carried away. Anyway, this is what I brought (I'm not sure whats going on with the allignment of the photo?!) But, going from left to right; 
  • Rimmel Wake me Up Foundation in shade 200 Soft Beige
  • Rimmel Day 2 Night Mascara (my holy grail mascara for sure- love it!)
  • Revlon Lip Butter in Shade 090 Sweet Tart
  • Maybelline colorsensational popstick in shade 060 Citris Slice
  • Rimmel Kate Moss lipstick in shade 04
  • Revlon lipstick in shade 750 Kiss Me Coral

Maybelline Colorsensational Popstick
 Slightly Dissapointed with this lipstick, it was more of a spur of the moment purchase purely because I liked the package and presumed it would have at least a tint of colour on your lips, but it doesn't. It does however moisturise your lips leaving them glossy and it has a lovely smell so of course I will use it however already know I won't purchase this again in the future.
Kate Moss lipstick
This was the lipstick I originally set out to purchase, obviously I got carried away however I still made sure I got this. I just felt as though I NEEDED this in my life- not sure why, but I did. I love the colour however it looks ridiculous on me but that does not stop me loving it and knowing me, I will wear it out. I love it.

Revlon Lip Butter

After hearing this product being raved about in youtube and blogging world, I probably got too excited when I finally saw the Revlon Lip Butters in stock at my Superdrug. there weren't many colours to choose from as many were out of stock however I just went for this one, without even testing it! I love it. The colour is lovely on my lips and the 'butter' in its name is certainly correct, it has such a smooth appliance and just leaves your lips feeling so nourished which I love. I will definitely be buying more of these when I get a job and more money, especially if the 3 for 2 offer is still on! wonderful!
Revlon Lipstick- Kiss Me Coral
After watching many of Zoe's youtube videos and blog posts ( I decided to check out the orangey lipsticks....and I'm strangely, already addicted and fallen in love with them. This coral lipstick is more orange than pink but not too too orange...but honestly, I love it!

Top to Bottom; Revlon Lip Butter, Maybelline popstick (invisible lol), Kate Moss lipstick, Revlon coral Lipstick
Have any of you tried these products? What do you think? :)

OOTD| 14/5/2012

Last Monday I finally got round to purchasing Black American Apparel Discopants after lusting over them for SO long. After much uhm-ing and ahh-ing I finally spoke to my mum and asked for her advice, and her advice to me was to just go for it, that way I would have something nice to show for the last of my money and seeing as I don't know when I'll get money again or when I next get a job she suggested I just go for it. So I did, rather excitedly may I add. Now, I've always been a bit of a cheepskate, I won't lie. However, something just seemed so right about spending £70 on these after hearing so many good things about them. Needless to say, I have literally lived in them since. Here's what I wore with them today:

It's not a very detailed or clear photo but it's the best I can do with my phone. I just paired the discopants with an old black and white speckled effect jumper which I brought from Primark sometime last year and then just tucked the jumper in at the front so you could see the high wasitedness (?) of the discopants- which I love! I then just paired these with my baby pinky Vectra 3's which I got from Topshop. Ok for some reason it wont allow me to put in a picture of my shoes however I'm sure you've all seen them. They're beautiful and I love them so much I couldn't resist but purchase the black ones too in a recent trip to London.

Have any of you got discopants? What do you like to wear with them? I'd love to hear your ideas! :-)

Saturday 5 May 2012

My week in photos no.1

Counting my Barry M nail varnishes....before I went out and brought more!
Waiting for my mum causes me to take awful pictures!
Weekend with my cousin pretty much consisted of voda and doughnuts....and shopping in Oxford Street!
My idea of heaven......lots and lots of nail varnishes in Topshop Oxford St.
As Coleen Nolan follows me on twitter.....I believe I got publicly humilated by her after forgettings he can read my tweets!!
Huuge knot in my hair!!
Brought my first lot of purple shampoo after the attempt of trying a lighter blonde!
Mmmm food
Trying Strawberry Lemonade in Costa for the first time....sooooo good!!
Weekend at my nans...sneaky photo of me taken by my cousin!

19th April 2012

no words can explain how excited I was when this date FINALLY came round. Since I was a young child I've been a huge fan of Steps, so of course as soon as they announced their reunion tour I HAD to get tickets.
This is me before the tour....
And here's the view we had. Not too close but close enough! It was so amazing, so so amazing. Everyone loves things that remind them of their childhood so this was definitely a plus for me, it was exactly like it used to be years ago. Of course, being a huge fan of Claire Richards I have to say the best part for me was her solo, absolutely mesmerising.
Did any of you go? If so, what was your favourite part? X